The Communist and Workers Parties denounce the anti-communist fiesta being organized by the Estonian Presidency of the EU, in the framework of the so-called “European Day of Remembrance for the victims of totalitarian regimes”- as the EU has been attempting in recent years to establish the 23rd of August. The anti-communist meeting aims to slander socialism and its unprecedented achievements for the workers, to falsify history, to anti-historically and unacceptably equate communism with the monster of fascism and its atrocities. The provocative identification of communism with fascism means exonerating fascism and the womb that gives birth to and nourishes it, the exploitative capitalist system. This is why, when communists are being persecuted and condemned and communist parties are being banned in a number of EU countries, at the same time honours are being bestowed on and pensions provided to the Nazi collaborators and their political descendants.
The workers, the peoples can now draw conclusions about the fact that the escalation of anti-communism signals the intensification of the anti-people measures, the restriction of workers’-people’s rights, the unleashing of new imperialist wars.
The truth will shine through. 100 years after the Great October Socialist Revolution, the superiority of the socialist system cannot be concealed, however many tonnes of mud they throw at it. The peoples, through their struggle, will find the path to a society where the wealth will belong to those that produce it, to socialism-communism.
- Communist Party of Albania
- Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism (PADS)
- Communist Party of Australia
- Party of Labour of Austria
- Communist Party of Azerbadjan
- Communist Party of Bangladesh
- Belarusian Communist Party of Workers-Section of the CPSU
- Brazilian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Brazil
- Communist Party of Britain
- Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
- AKEL, Cyprus
- Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
- Communist Party of Denmark
- Communist Party of Estonia
- Communist Party of Finland
- Communist Workers` Party for Peace and Socialism (Finland)
- Pole of Communist Revival in France
- Revolutionary Communist Party (France)
- Communist Revolutionary Party of France
- Unified Communist Party of Georgia
- German Communist Party
- Communist Party of Greece
- Hungarian Workers’ Party
- Communist Party of India
- Communist Party of India (Marxist)
- Tudeh Party of Iran
- Communist Party of Ireland
- Workers Party of Ireland
- Communist Party of Israel
- Communist Party (Italy)
- Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
- Communist Party of Kazakhstan-section of CPSU
- Socialist Party of Latvia
- Communist Party of Latvia
- Communist Party of Luxembourg
- Communist Party of Malta
- Communist Party of Mexico
- Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
- Communist Party of Moldova-section of CPSU
- New Communist Party of the Netherlands
- Palestinian Communist Party
- Paraguayan Communist Party
- Peruan Communist Party
- Communist Party of Poland
- Communist Party of Puerto Rico
- Socialist Party of Romania
- Romanian Communist Party
- Romanian Communist Party XXI Century
- Communist Party of the Russian Federation
- Russian Communist Workers’ Party
- Communist Party of Soviet Union
- Communist Party of Sri Lanka
- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
- Communist Party of Sweden
- Syrian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Tadjikistan
- Communist Party of Transdnisteria-section of CPSU
- Communist Party of Turkey
- Communist Party of Ukraine
- Union of Communists in Ukraine
The statement is still open for signatures.
* * *
Los Partidos Comunistas y Obreros denuncian la fiesta anticomunista organizada por la presidencia estonia de la Unión Europea.
Los Partidos Comunistas y Obreros condenan la fiesta anticomunista organizada por la presidencia estonia de la Unión Europea, en el marco del llamado "Día Europeo conmemorativo de las víctimas de los regímenes totalitarios", como la Unión Europea ha intentado establecer el día 23 de agosto en los últimos años. La reunión anticomunista pretende calumniar al socialismo y sus logros sin precedentes para los trabajadores, falsificar la Historia, equiparar inaceptablemente y sin base histórica el comunismo con el monstruo del fascismo y sus atrocidades. La equiparación provocativa del fascismo con el comunismo significa exonerar el fascismo y el seno que lo genera y lo alimenta, es decir el sistema explotador capitalista. Es por eso que mientras los comunistas están siendo perseguidos y condenados, mientras los partidos comunistas en varios países de la UE están siendo prohibidos, al mismo tiempo rinden honores y proporcionan pensiones a los colaboradores de los nazis y a sus descendientes políticos.
Los trabajadores y los pueblos ya pueden sacar conclusiones sobre el hecho de que la intensificación del anticomunismo señala el fortalecimiento de las medidas antipopulares, la restricción de los derechos obreros populares, el desencadenamiento de nuevas guerras imperialistas.
La luz de la verdad brillará. Cien años después de la Gran Revolución Socialista de Octubre la superioridad del sistema socialista no se puede ocultar por muchas toneladas de barro que arrojan. Los pueblos a través de su lucha encontrarán el camino hacia una sociedad donde la riqueza pertenezca a los que la producen, hacia el socialismo-comunismo.
- Communist Party of Albania
- Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism (PADS)
- Communist Party of Australia
- Party of Labour of Austria
- Communist Party of Azerbadjan
- Communist Party of Bangladesh
- Belarusian Communist Party of Workers-Section of the CPSU
- Brazilian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Brazil
- Communist Party of Britain
- Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
- AKEL, Cyprus
- Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
- Communist Party of Denmark
- Communist Party of Estonia
- Communist Party of Finland
- Communist Workers` Party for Peace and Socialism (Finland)
- Pole of Communist Revival in France
- Revolutionary Communist Party (France)
- Communist Revolutionary Party of France
- Unified Communist Party of Georgia
- German Communist Party
- Communist Party of Greece
- Hungarian Workers’ Party
- Communist Party of India
- Communist Party of India (Marxist)
- Tudeh Party of Iran
- Communist Party of Ireland
- Workers Party of Ireland
- Communist Party of Israel
- Communist Party (Italy)
- Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
- Communist Party of Kazakhstan-section of CPSU
- Socialist Party of Latvia
- Communist Party of Latvia
- Communist Party of Luxembourg
- Communist Party of Malta
- Communist Party of Mexico
- Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
- Communist Party of Moldova-section of CPSU
- New Communist Party of the Netherlands
- Palestinian Communist Party
- Paraguayan Communist Party
- Peruan Communist Party
- Communist Party of Poland
- Communist Party of Puerto Rico
- Socialist Party of Romania
- Romanian Communist Party
- Romanian Communist Party XXI Century
- Communist Party of the Russian Federation
- Russian Communist Workers’ Party
- Communist Party of Soviet Union
- Communist Party of Sri Lanka
- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
- Communist Party of Sweden
- Syrian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Tadjikistan
- Communist Party of Transdnisteria-section of CPSU
- Communist Party of Turkey
- Communist Party of Ukraine
- Union of Communists in Ukraine
La recogida de firmas continua.
* * *
Коммунистические и рабочие партии осуждают антикоммунистическую фиесту, организуемую в ходе председательства Эстонии в ЕС в рамках так называемого «Европейского дня памяти жертв тоталитарных режимов», который ЕС в последние годы стремится утвердить23 августа. Целью этого антикоммунистического сборища является постоянная клевета на социализм и его беспрецедентные завоевания, фальсификация истории, неприемлемое и антиисторическое приравнивание коммунизма к фашистскому чудовищу и его зверствам.Провокационное приравнивание фашизма к коммунизму является оправданием фашизма и капиталистической эксплуататорской системы - чрева, порождающего и вскармливающего его.Вот почему, в то время, когда коммунисты подвергаются преследованиям и привлекаются к уголовной ответственности, когда запрещаются компартии в ряде стран ЕС, отдается почет и предоставляются пенсии пособникам нацистов и их политическим потомкам.
Теперь трудящиеся, народы могут сделать вывод о том, что эскалация антикоммунизма знаменует собой усиление антинародных мер, урезание прав трудящихся, развязывание новых империалистических войн.
Но правда восторжествует. Через сто лет после Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции превосходство социалистической системы невозможно скрыть, сколько бы грязи не было вылито. Народы будут бороться за построение общества, в котором богатство будет принадлежать тем, кто его производит, за социализм-коммунизм.