Emmanuel Macron is the new President of France. In the second round of the french presidential elections the candidate of the "En Marche!" movement gained 66% of the votes, while Marine Le Pen, of the far-right "Front National" received 34%. Macron and Le Pen represent the two sides of the same coin: they are both parts of the capitalist system, expressing the aspirations and goals of different sections of the french capital.
In a statement regarding the result of the elections, the Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France (Revolutionary Communist Party of France-PCRF) characterizes Emmanuel Macron as "the reactionary continuity at the Elysee" and "a man of the french bourgeoisie".
According to the PCRF the result of the elections "is the result of a formidable mobilization of the propaganda and communication apparatus of monopoly capital". "Under these conditions", writes the PCRF, "our Party welcomes all those who refused to endorse the masquerade Le Pen-Macron by abstaining, voting white or none!".
As the PCRF stresses out, Emmanuel Macron, "whose program, like his career, embodies the reactionary values of the bourgeoisie" is "is part of the warlike continuity of French imperialism, made up of interference and military aggression, hidden behind a so-called "defense of freedom".
In other parts of the statement, the Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France points out: "On Friday, May 5, the National Elections Commission intervened to prevent the press from reporting WikiLeaks information about emails from the Macron team. Among other things, it was reported that his campaign was financed by Rothschild, Soros and Goldman Sachs up to 5.5 million euros, that Bernard Arnault would have made a substantial contribution and that he would have received the multiform support of Merkel, Obama, Justin Trudeau, Junker, Tsipras, Matteo Renzi, Bernard-Henri Levy...".
The PCRF sets as a priority "to organize the struggle against the attacks that are prepared against the Labor Code and the other measures of the Macron-Fillon-Gattaz program" and calls the french working people for mobilization against Macron's projects, the war policy on Syria, as well as against the EU and NATO, adding that "it would be suicidal to leave the field [of opposition and struggle] to the Lepenist reaction!".
The PCRF concludes by stressing out that the Party ‘"will present candidates [in June's general elections] which will bear the idea that, the alternative, the only one, is the construction of a large Communist Party that is capable to help the labor class and the masses in order to realize the historical role of get over with Le Pen and Macron, the pain, the misery, the absence of democracy, the war threat, the capitalism in order to construct the socialism towards the communism".