
Friday, January 13, 2017

KKE exposes and denounces EU and Ukrainian government's new anti-communist machinations

KKE MEP Kostas Papadakis.
PRESS RELEASE: Question of the KKE in the European Parliament on the new machinations of the EU and the Ukrainian government against the CP of Ukraine and the communists in the country.

Source: inter.kke.gr.

To KKE continues its activity, condemning anti-communism, internationally denouncing and exposing the machinations of the EU and the reactionary Ukrainian government against the Communist Party of Ukraine and the activity of the communists in the country. The European Parliamentary Delegation of the KKE submitted a new question to the European Parliament, addressed to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, F. Mogherini, concerning the lack of a law which will allow the examination of appeals against laws which prepare and arrange anti-communist measures, bans and other measures that remove basic popular freedoms.

The question of Kostas Papadakis, MEP of the KKE, regards the dismissal, in November 2016 by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, of the appeal of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine Petro Simonenko and other applicants against law 317-VIII of April 9, 2015, also known as the "decommunization law». By rewriting historical truth, this law attempts to equate communism with the monstrosity of Nazism and criminalize communist symbols, communist ideology as well as the action of communists. The reasons for the dismissal of the appeal by theConstitutional Courtwere the lack of a law regulating the examination procedure of appeals against the legislation adopted by the reactionary government ofUkraine. This constitutes an approach aimed at the systematic persecution of communists and the abolition of basic popular freedoms and rights which the Ukrainian Government stifles. A government which, as known, came into power with the support of fascist forces and as a result of the imperialist intervention of US, NATO and the EU in the country. The lack of a law to regulate the possibility of appeal proceedings before theConstitutional Courtis not an omission but an intentional act of the Ukrainian president and the reactionary government, for the intensification and escalation of anti-communism, of the authoritarian regime and the abolition of the most elementary freedoms of the people ofUkraine. 

Ukraine's president Petro Poroshenko (right) with the president of
the EU Parliament Martin Schulz.
The regime has the full support of the European Union for its policies which are in the front line concerning anti-communism and the falsification of history. Such machinations are credentials provided by the Ukrainian government to the EU and a consequence of the country’s greater connection to this interstate imperialist union through agreements such as the “EU- Ukraine Association and Free Trade Agreement" in the context of fierce competition over the control of energy resources and their transportation routes as well as markets and geopolitical dominance in the wider region.

The European Parliamentary Delegation of the KKE poses the following question to the EU High Representative:

“How do you position yourself concerning the lack of a law regulating the examination procedure of appeals against the legislation adopted by the reactionary government ofUkraine, as well as concerning the intensification of persecutions against the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Communist ideology, the communists and their political action?”

The European Parliamentary Delegation of the KKE.