at the service of the ruling classes.
The struggle of the Communist
By Raúl Martínez & Ramón López*.
Source: International Communist Review, Issue 3, 2014.
a historical phenomenon hostile to Marxism.
the birth of the labour movement to this day, an intense struggle
between two tendencies has been waged within the movement: the
revolutionary one and the opportunist one. Over the history,
opportunism has adopted different and numerous expressions, diguised
under forms of "left wing" and right wing. This article
deals with the right wing opportunism or revisionism, initial source
of the political current that is nowadays known as social-democracy,
whose nature mutated along the twentieth century, from being a
current of the labour movement to a political movement which is an
uncompromising defender and the essential pillar of monopoly
emerged in the late nineteenth century when, after the passing away
of Frederick Engels, open warfare broke out within the socialist
movement led by the German Eduard Bernstein whose maxim “the
movement is everything, the ultimate aim is nothing [1”
became the banner of the followers of the revisionist theory and its
political practice, reformism. Lenin would argue about it:
catch-phrase of Bernstein’s expresses the substance of revisionism
better than many long disquisitions. To determine its conduct from
case to case, to adapt itself to the events of the day and to the
chopping and changing of petty politics, to forget the primary
interests of the proletariat and the basic features of the whole
capitalist system, of all capitalist evolution, to sacrifice these
primary interests for the real or assumed advantages of the
moment—such is the policy of revisionism. And it patently follows
from the very nature of this policy that it may assume an infinite
variety of forms, and that every more or less “new” question,
every more or less unexpected and unforeseen turn of events, even
though it change the basic line of development only to an
insignificant degree and only for the briefest period, will always
inevitably give rise to one variety of revisionism or another.”[2]
claiming that the socio-economic conditions had changed radically,
expressed itself as a current openly hostile to Marxism, rejecting
the basic postulates of Marxist science:
- In the sphere of philosophy, it denied its partisan and class character, being in tow of the bourgeois “science” and dragging b along after the “neo-Kantian” thinkers [3].
- In economic terms, it denied the theory of value, the law of capitalist accumulation and the law of absolute and relative impoverishment of the proletariat in the new conditions of capitalism. It was said that concentration and the ousting of small-scale production by large-scale production does not occur in agriculture at all. They defended the idea that the process of concentration of ownership proceeded very slowyly in commerce and industry. They expressed the view that the big capitalist companies would end the anarchy of production and therefore reduce automatically the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie4.
- In the sphere of politics, revisionism sought to review what actually constitutes the basis of Marxism: the theory of class struggle. Political freedom, democracy and universal suffrage remove the ground for the class struggle —we were told by the revisionists—. For, they said, since the “will of the majority” prevails in a democracy, one must neither regard the state as an organ of class rule, nor reject alliances with the progressive, social-reform bourgeoisie against the reactionaries [5].
Lenin, revisionism —revision of Marxism— was one of the chief
manifestations, if not the chief, of bourgeois influence on the
proletariat and bourgeois corruption of the workers [6].
In his workThe
Collapse of the Second International,
he gave the following definition of opportunism:
means sacrificing the fundamental interests of the masses to the
temporary interests of an insignificant minority of the workers or,
in other words, an alliance between a section of the workers and the
bourgeoisie, directed against the mass of the proletariat.”[7]
fact is that ideology is the reflection, in the consciousness of
human beings, of the objectively existing social conditions, and
mainly a reflection of the prevailing production relations. Thus,
from the Leninist view, the historical roots of the revisionist
phenomenon and its class nature are highlighted:
every capitalist country, side by side with the proletariat, there
are always broad strata of the petty bourgeoisie, small proprietors.
Capitalism arose and is constantly arising out of small production. A
number of new “middle strata” are inevitably brought into
existence again and again by capitalism (...) These new small
producers are just as inevitably being cast again into the ranks of
the proletariat. It is quite natural that the petty-bourgeois
world-outlook should again and again crop up in the ranks of the
broad workers’ parties. It is quite natural that this should be so
and always will be so, right up to the changes of fortune that will
take place in the proletarian revolution.”[8]
short, Marxism-Leninism emphasizes three essential particularities of
right-wing opportunism or revisionism:
- Revisionism is an international phenomenon, being a social product of a particular historical epoch.
- Revisionism regularly appears in the workers' parties, given the cyclical nature of capitalist development, and it can adopt diverse forms.
- Right-wing opportunism, in reviewing the basic postulates of Marxism, distorts the revolutionary character of the workers' party, deviating it from its main objective: the destruction of the economic and political power of the bourgeoisie9.
with the reformist political practice that stems from the
revisionists theoretical standpoints, Lenin argued that the
bourgeoisie grant reforms with one hand, and with the other always
take them back, reduce them to nought, use them to enslave the
workers, to divide them into separate groups and perpetuate
wage-slavery. For that reason reformism, even when quite sincere, in
practice becomes a weapon by means of which the bourgeoisie corrupt
and weaken the workers. The experience of all countries shows that
the workers who put their trust in the reformists are always
The bankruptcy of the Second International, Social-Democracy and the imperialist war.
of the Second International parties consummated their bankruptcy by
betraying the resolutions of the Congress of Basel (1912), in which
social-democratic parties had established its position opposing the
forthcoming imperialist war and calling the world proletariat to
actively fight against its triggering. However, on August 4th, 1914,
the German and French social-democrats voted in their respective
parliaments for the war credits, in favour of the imperialist war and
became part of the governments of their countries, as later did the
British and Belgian social-democrats, thus obtaining the trust of the
bourgeoisie for the management of capitalism and thus changing from
opportunist workers' parties to bourgeois parties.
parties previously grouped in the Second International suffered its
first major historical mutation, transforming from socialist workers'
parties, in which lived together in hard struggle the revolutionary
and the opportunist trends, into national-liberal workers' parties,
thus popping the International, inside wich opportunism had gained
strength during the relatively peaceful development of capitalism
period between 1871 and 1914, into a thousand pieces.
the midst of World War, Lenin deepened in his characterization of
opportunism. He defined as the economic base of chauvinism and
opportunism the alliance between a few upper layers of the
proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie – who took advantage of the
crumbs from the privileges of "their" national capital -
against the proletarian masses, against the working masses. He
revealed that the old division of the socialists in the opportunist
and revolutionary trends, typical of the era of the Second
International (1889-1914), corresponded with the new division of
chauvinists and internationalists. Advocacy of class collaboration;
abandonment of the idea of socialist revolution and revolutionary
methods of struggle; adaptation to bourgeois nationalism; losing
sight of the fact that the borderlines of nationality and country are
historically transient; making a fetish of bourgeois legality;
renunciation of the class viewpoint and the class struggle, for fear
of repelling the “broad masses of the population”(meaning the
petty bourgeoisie)—such, doubtlessly, are the ideological
foundations of opportunism. [11].
Starting from the point that opportunism is not the result of chance,
nor a sin, a slip or a betrayal of a group of isolated individuals,
Lenin said that it was the social product of an entire historical
epoch, also expressing its class character:
epoch of imperialism is one in which the world is divided among the
“great” privileged nations that oppress all other nations.
Morsels of the loot obtained as a result of these privileges and this
oppression undoubtedly fall to the share of certain sections of the
petty bourgeoisie and to the working-class aristocracy and
bureaucracy. These strata, which form an insignificant minority of
the proletariat and of the toiling masses, gravitate towards
“Struvism”, because it provides them with a justification of
their alliance with their “own” national bourgeoisie, against the
oppressed masses of all nations.”[12]
was engendered in the course of decades by the special features in
the period of the development of capitalism, when the comparatively
peaceful and cultured life of a stratum of privileged
workingmen “bourgeoisified” them, gave them crumbs from the table
of their national capitalists, and isolated them from the suffering,
misery and revolutionary temper of the impoverished and ruined
the specific role of the labour aristocracy and the labor bureaucracy
in the general framework of the class struggle of the imperialist
epoch became clear. This analysis currently retains full relevance
Lenin, the first World War marked a fundamental shift in History as
it became impossible to continue having the same attitude towards
opportunism than in the previous period. It was impossible to deny
the fact that at the time of crisis the opportunists had deserted the
workers' parties and had gone to the camp of the bourgeoisie.
entire social stratum, consisting of parliamentarians, journalists,
labour officials, privileged office personnel, and certain strata of
the proletariat, has sprung up and has become amalgamatedwith
its own national bourgeoisie, which has proved fully capable of
appreciating and “adapting” it.”[14]
it was time to come into action:
course of history cannot be turned back or checked—we can and must
go fearlessly onward, from the preparatory legal working-class
organisations, which are in the grip of opportunism, to revolutionary
organisations that know how not to confine themselves to
legality and are capable of safeguarding themselves against
opportunist treachery, organisations of a proletariat that is
beginning a “struggle for power”, a struggle for the overthrow of
the bourgeoisie.”[15]
had been shown that, in the era of imperialism, the old theory that
said that opportunism is a "legitimate nuance" in a
workers' party should be discarded, because it had become the biggest
obstacle for the revolutionary development of the labour movement.
Second International had died, defeated by opportunism, the Third
International had before it the task of organizing the forces of the
proletariat for the revolutionary offensive against the capitalist
governments, for civil war against the bourgeoisie of all countries,
for the political power and the victory of socialism.
The final mutation of the social-democracy after the Second World War.
the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 the
division in three wings was consolidated: the right-wing, which had
become a bourgeois party and was represented by the revisionists, the
left-wing, represented by the communists with the Bolsheviks at the
forefront, and the centrist wing, formally Marxist and adapted in
practice to opportunism, claiming to seek unity and peace in the
party. The centrist sector was led by Kaustky, who devoted his
theoretical efforts to attack the October Revolution, accusing the
Bolsheviks of ignoring the limits of the productive forces of Russia
and, ultimately, describing the revolution as an aberration.
the period between the First and Second World War, the centrist
sectors dominated the Second International, enacting formally
“revolutionary” and “Marxist” resolutions and but yielding in
practice to the demands of right wing which, thus, strengthened
itself to the point of forcing the involvement of social-democracy in
bourgeois governments in many cases.
this ministerial involvement in various countries - Britain, France,
Germany, etc. - arise some issues that raise no doubts about the leap
made by the social-democracy, from a reformist position, but a
working class one, into a bourgeois position, between liberals and
communism. Since the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebneckht to
the anti-labour economic measures applied as a result of the
capitalist crisis of 1929, all reveals the true nature of
social-democracy as a bourgeois party in charge of conducting the
class conciliation in order to try to prevent and contain the
revolutionary outbreak, opposing the development of the communist
shameful role of social-democracy during the rise of fascism, its
refusal to compromise with the Third International and its
petty-bourgeois vacillation in key moments of the class struggle, are
key elements to understand how fascism came to take the State
apparatus with relative ease in different countries. Their confidence
in the legal methods, their rotten liberalism, proved that
social-democracy had become a defender of capitalism, making
difficult the development of the policy of united front of the
Communist International16.
most blatant and definitive mutation of social-democracy takes place
after the Second World War. The victory over Nazi-fascism, the
successes in the construction of socialism in the USSR, the global
extension of the socialist bloc to a number of countries, the
development of the contradictions in the capitalist countries of
Western Europe as a result of the destruction of productive forces
operated in the war, the reduction of the material basis of
capitalism and the enormous prestige of the international communist
movement among the working masses of the West, were factors that were
driving imperialism to a dead end. Social-democracy, hand in hand
with its bourgeois masters, again finds its place in an attempt to
neutralize the class struggle. Many social-democrat leaders in exile
came in close contact with Anglo-American imperialists, setting up
what would be the order following the defeat of Nazi-fascism in
countries like Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, etc.[17]
Frankfurt Congress, which established the Socialist International,
takes place in 1951, and in 1959 the so-called Bad Godesberg
Programme sets in writing the political positions of social-democracy
in the largest and most influential party of this trend, the German
SPD, which would determine the programs of the other parties and
their reconstituted International.
program formally abandons the reference to Marxism and places itself
next to the “Christian ethics” and “humanism”, even without
naming them. The times when the social-democracy needed to wear the
Marxist label to fight the communist movement had passed. From that
moment the struggle is an open one against Marxism itself. In the
field of the class struggle, the workers' struggle is subsumed within
the struggle for “more democracy”, as the ultimate goal of the
“democratic socialism”, whose horizons were vague and refer to
economic factors that do not exceed the level of liberal reformism,
accepting in its main terms the bourgeois economic theories,
budgetary discipline, Keynesianism as a brake on the class struggle,
and so on. Using the words of the program itself: “as much plannig
as necessary and as much competition as possible”.[18]
some doubts still remain, the program has references against “the
totalitarian control of economy”, affirming the need for the
existence of private property. As maximum horizon - never
consistently applied - the reference to “economic democracy” in
which the working class should be able to intervene in the management
of private and public companies. Except in some productive sectors in
Germany and other European countries, except that such participation
was confined to specific management problems, as happens today with
the participation of members of the company committees (the emblem of
this social-democratic policy) in company boards, and exercised by
the reformist trade union bureaucracy, such a thing was never applied
in any country, despite having enough parliamentary majority to do
so. In fact, the Godesberg Program, accepted internationally by the
social-democrats, only found scope for public education and health,
and always restricted to certain countries of Western Europe.
economic contradictions inherent to the so-called “Welfare State”
- which was nothing else than a State of exploitation of the working
masses sacrificed on the altar of capitalist and imperialist
development - led to the outbreak of the capitalist crisis of the
seventies and a change in the perception of most of the bourgeoisie,
leaving the Keynesian principles and adopting a purely liberal
approach, revisiting their old conceptions of “laissez
separating the State from the direct economic intervention and taking
it to exert its influence only through the budget and the monetary
policy, undertaking the privatization of the public sector created in
the previous period.
it is necessary to add that the Godesberg Programee already renounced
to these “direct” mechanisms and privileged the indirect ones,
except in those sectors where State intervention was necessary to
avoid the creation of private monopolies. In fact, the liberal
version says exactly the same and even speaks of “mixed economy”
to include these methods of State intervention. In the eighties and
nineties of the twentieth century, the theory of the “natural
monopolies in hands of the State” - energy, transportation,
telecommunications and other strategic sectors – was abandoned and
the ideas of a Central Bank whose monetary policy has the sole goal
of inflation control over other considerations, as may be allowing
some level of inflation to encourage bourgeois investment, were
that time and until the outbreak of the current capitalist crisis,
the bourgeoisie gave priority to privatizations, commodification of
productive sectors at the margins of the action of the law of value -
whose scope had been modified by the intervention of state powers -
and the internationalization hand in hand with large monopolistic
firms that had accumulated large amounts of capital in the preceding
period. At the same time, the political conditions in which the
labour movement has to defend their living and working conditions
worsen, the repression against the revolutionary movement and the
militarization of the economy increase, and the deployment of
imperialist war is enhanced.
social-democracy has a certain attachment to the labour movement
through the reformist trade unions, where it maintains a discourse of
“defense of the workers”, purely economic and which tends always
towards the reconciliation with the bourgeoisie. Its mission is to
ensure social peace and the impossibility of the development of a
workers' response that can be transformed, as a result of their
increased militancy and organization, in development of the class
consciousness, the passing from class consciousness in
itself to
class consciousness for
a revolutionary alternative to dying capitalism.
the capitalist crisis in which we are now submerged, social-democracy
has a very clear mission: to implement the measures contrary to the
interests of the workers keeping the class conflict within the limits
set by the oligarchy. Thus, while adopting legal measures that are
contrary to the most elementary rights acquired over decades of
struggle of the labour movement (collective bargaining, the right to
severance pay, a decent amount of the minimum wage and pension,
etc.), they keep the control over a trade union bureaucracy deeply
linked to social-democracy and the bourgeois State apparatus.
“social covenant” positions are intended to chain the labour
movement to policies that are clearly contrary to their interests,
that favour the monopolies and vent the contradictions that have
exploded with the capitalist crisis on the shoulders of the working
class and the popular strata. This is to revive the declining trend
in the rate of profit, to promote the cycle of expanded reproduction
of capital and, for that, to intesify the exploitation rate. In this
mission, the social-democracy plays a crucial role: the role of the
firefighter that tries to fight the fire even before it occurs.
Petty bourgeoisie and labour aristocracy.
order to preserve the support of its social base of the petty and
middle classes that share the petty autonomy at work, address
specific groups of workers and a shift away from machine,
social-democracy, as the lead organization of petty bourgeois
reformism, maintains a policy to isolate these groups from the labour
movement and prevent the formation of a popular and workers front
with hegemony of the proletariat through its political vanguard,
which can become a revolutionary alternative to capitalism.
this field, social-democratic policies are in the spirit of
supporting the petty bourgeoisie with public funds as exemptions from
paying social security, trying to ease, without success, the
situation of small producers against the large ones. In the trade
union field favouring the middle class against most workers,
promoting better working, social and economic conditions for these
groups. These sectors were the old basis of the bourgeois reformist
policy of the years of the “Welfare State”, when favoured over a
mass of workers condemned to conditions of extreme exploitation and
devoid of any union support. This has the effect of worsening
conditions of life and work of the proletarian majority, the
intensification of its exploitation and also its growing isolation
from other classes and sectors.
the capitalist crisis has severely beaten the middle strata and the
petty bourgeoisie who see their living and working conditions worsen
as a consequence of the development of capitalist contradictions,
showing also for these groups the failure of reformism. At the same
time, social-democracy extends the petty bourgeois ideology of the
“citizenship” where we all have equal rights before the law,
ignoring class differences, the position of each one in respect to
the ownership of the means of production and to the work, influencing
the workers to defuse the class struggle precisely among those who
most suffer exploitation and are most in need of assuming their
historical role as a revolutionary class [19].
a similar way, the role played by the labour aristocracy is essential
in the maintenance of social-democracy and the strengthening and
spread of revisionism within the labour movement. Comrade Eleni
Comrade Mpellou [20] offers
the following analysis of this phenomenon:
course what happens at the level of consciousness, in this case
revisionism, is a reflection of socio-economic developments-sections
of the working class in advanced capitalist countries experienced
higher wages and better living conditions due to the super-profits
which capital obtained in their countries, having for example the
monopoly in foreign trade (Britain until the end of the
19th century), the ability to exploit raw materials and cheap
labour in less developed societies. The offspring of these sections
of the working class and of the labour aristocracy in the trade union
and political movement, absorbed bourgeois propaganda through the
education system, and they were incorporated into the widened state
mechanisms-either into the “services” of the bourgeois state
(education, health, welfare) or into purely administrative mechanisms
( tax office, local government bodies, maintenance of state property
etc) or into state or semi-state industries (banks, public utilities,
energy, water, telecommunications industry, tourism etc).
buying off of sections of the working class and in dynamic sectors of
capitalist industry was achieved in combination with the extensive
buying off of scientists, who were of working class background; thus
we can see that the widening of the social basis of opportunism and
the strengthening of revisionism are interconnected phenomena. The
ability of the bourgeois political forces to buy off broad sections
of the working class served the political goal of corrupting the
labour movement, of diverting it from its strategic aim of socialist
revolution in Europe and more generally in the developed capitalist
world and indeed in conditions when the international balance of
forces had improved for the forces of socialism after the end of the
2nd World War.”
The "left social-democracy", the revisionists and the communist movement.
democracy became also an active participant in the international
class struggle against the socialist camp. The role that
social-democratic parties had to play was to weaken the communist
parties, organize and strengthen a non-communist labour and
trade-union movement. Altogether with other fiercely anticommunist
parties – the trotskyists - the mission assigned by imperialism was
clear: the fragmentation of the labour movement, consolidate an
anticommunist reformist trend and prevent the development of class
struggle in capitalist countries, as well as assist politically,
economically and otherwise to counterrevolutionary movements that
were developing in countries that were actively constructing
socialism. The CIA had a section for those parties: “non-communist
left”, which received political, logistical and economic support.
with the openly hostile and counterrevolutionary role with respect to
socialist countries, social-democracy has also historically played a
role of political penetration of the communist parties. Even before
World War II, social-democracy sought support within the communist
movement to reach agreements that would link these parties to
bourgeois policies. But it was later, in the immediate postwar years,
when strong reformist tendencies appear within the communist parties
that crystallized in the so-called “Euro-communism”. This process
was possible to the extent that the international communist movement,
stuck in the fiction of the existence of an intermediate, democratic
and anti-monopoly stage between monopoly capitalism and socialism,
subordinated its strategy to a parliamentary alliance with
social-democracy that would ultimately have serious consequences for
the working class and the international communist movement itself,
which found immense difficulties to define a revolutionary strategy
in the new conditions after the war.
revisionist tendencies, fully triumphant in most parties of Western
Europe, had the same social basis of old social-democracy and
followed the same path that was previously foloowed by the
social-democratic parties. As a reflection, they represented the
interests of the petty bourgeoisie and the middle strata of the
labour aristocracy and sections of the trade union bureaucracy. They
arrived to the unabashedly reformist conclusion that socialism could
be built in Europe through a parliamentary agreement with the
social-democracy, using only legal means, constitutional means,
reform after reform, reaching a point at which socialism would have
been built. This vision, utopian in the sense of being reactionary,
was a dead end that found its own limits with the change in policy of
the bourgeoisie as a result of the economic crisis of the “Welfare
bankruptcy of Euro-communist revisionism is currently suffered by
numerous workers' detachments throughout the capitalist world,
especially in the European countries, where the heirs of
Euro-communist organizations, keeping in some cases the communist
acronyms and symbols or having abandoned it in others, aware of the
mutation of a social-democracy that had become a bourgeois party
several decades earlier, seek to occupy the left flank of the
bourgeois parliaments. This always in an alliance subordinated n one
way or another to the social-democratic parties and always under the
banner of reformism that waves within the margins of the system.
they also agree and coincide, not by chance, in a generally
favourable view of the European Union, the imperialist project of the
oligarchy of the member countries. They want to become the party of
“left” passable for those institutions, accepting the
fundamentals of European construction, the undemocratic and
anti-labour rules for its operation and its one-way monetary and
economic policies, the blackmail to which they subject the peoples of
Europe in the capitalist crisis, and ultimately, the policies imposed
in each moment by the bourgeoisie.
these opportunist parties are organized in the European Left Party
and they constitute an obstacle to the development of class struggle,
they stand as a brake to the development of class positions and class
consciousness; ultimately they are natural allies of
social-democracy, they are its current left-wing, fulfilling the task
of introducing reformist and petty bourgeois ideology in the workers'
field, to support a false social peace that will ensure a political
framework for the anti-labour measures that capital has to apply to
maintain its profit rate and save the day.
final considerations.
part of the social base of social-democracy and revisionism, is
constituted by the working strata with a low class consciousness
who join the struggle to defend their immediate interests in face
of the increasing aggression of capital. When these sectors, with
little political background and no class consciousness join the
struggles that should trigger the class to defend its interests
they do, necessarily, from an ideological point of view.
the fact that these workers' sectors do not have class
consciousness for
itself does
not deny the fact that they have, like all people, an ideological
worldview which allows them to insert themselves into society.
Such a worldview that does not come entirely from class position,
must necessarily come from its opponent, if we agree with Marx
that within the class-divided societies the dominant ideology
is the ideology of the ruling class.
worldview, therefore their ideology, if it is not proletarian it
necessarily has to be bourgeois or petty bourgeois. It consists
in some adjustments of the ideologies of the bourgeoisie or the
petty bourgeoisie to the living conditions of the working class,
and the most historically appropriate to these functions is
precisely the “economicist” ideology, a reformist one touted
by the social-democrat trade unions and parties, and also by the
opportunist parties of the EL Party and other similar to them.
This ideology fits the workers' conditions, but does so from the
bourgeois standpoint, defending small changes in capitalism that
can improve or alleviate the current conditions which are applied
to the proletariat.
and seemingly in an opposite sense, we might consider the
utopian-revolutionary ideology which, despite its alleged
revolutionary character, is powerless to lead the revolutionary
struggle and ends by advocating measures which, if possible,
would mean only small changes keeping the fundamentals of
capitalist exploitation.
mission of social-democracy and their trade union confederations
within the labour field is to prevent that position, which is an
objective stage in the development of consciousness in these
sectors, to evolve into the assumption of a purely proletarian
ideological position under the prism of Marxism-Leninism, and
that tends to confrontation with capitalism, towards its
revolutionary overcoming.
besides the existence of the social sectors previously referred
to - petty bourgeoisie and middle strata - the sectors that have
little awareness, the stragglers, can also be a support base for
revisionism in general and social-democracy in particular within
the class movement.
communist parties have to deal with these positions and we will
have to do so in the future, under very different political,
social or economic conditions, until the overcoming of the class
conflict itself, until the highest and final stage of
socialism-communism. In these various conditions, reformism will
take different political positions but, in essence, will ry to
adapt the labour movement to the positions of the class enemy, by
accepting the battlefield and the fight rules that the enemy
considers lawful and denying the need to overcome the capitalist
system that generates the contradictions that keep the labour
momvement in a subordinated position 21.
primary mission of the communist parties in this field, generally
in trade union action, is to raise that economic awareness, which
does not exceed capitalism, to revolutionary political
consciousness, so that these sectors abandon the ideological
theses of the petty bourgeoisie (in addition to the above
mentioned we could mention the idea that the State is neutral in
the class struggle, that the law is sacred and that all the
provisions of the laws are met, the idea of independence of the
judiciary, the separation of powers and other petty bourgeois
naiveties that objectively block class struggle) and embrace the
ideological theses of their own class. This is possible precisely
because the proletarian ideology of Marxism-Leninism is only a
reflection in the realm of the subjective field, of the economic
conditions suffered by the exploited. In other words, any attempt
at a social level of trying the same with non-proletarian sectors
is doomed to failure, regardless of whether, individually, many
members of the petty bourgeoisie and the middle layers approach
the working class and even adopt its worldview in face of the
development of capitalist contradictions.
communist movement is forced to learn from its mistakes. The
conditions under which the capitalist crisis places the class
struggle requires a frontal attack against the positions of
integration that social-democracy and revisionism promote in the
workers' ranks. Ideological, political and organizational
independence of the working class must be firmly defended,
without compromise:
the people, the workers and employees, the self-employed must
write their own pages in the history of this country, in really
large and bold letters. Their anger must be transformed into
strength so that they can take their counterattack to its
conclusion. There is no other way (…) Barbarity cannot be made
humane” [22].
Martínez is Responsible for the Ideological Area of the CC of
the PCPE, and Ramón López is member of the Ideological
Area of the CC of the PCPE
premisas del socialismo y las tareas de la socialdemocracia”,
recopilación de artículos Revista Neue
Zeit, 1897-1898
Lenin, “Marxism and Revisionism”. Collected Works, Vol. 15,
p. 29-39 24. Progress Publishers, 1973, Moscow
3 Idem
5 Idem
6 V.I.
Lenin, “A Fool’s Haste Is No Speed”. Collected Works, Vol.
20, p. 322-324. Progress Publishers, 1972, Moscow
7 V.I.
Lenin. “The Collapse of the Second International”. Collected
Works, Vol. 21, p. 205-259. Progress Publishers, 1974, Moscow
8 V.I.
Lenin, “Marxism and Revisionism”. Collected Works, Vol. 15,
p. 29-39 24. Progress Publishers, 1973, Moscow
9 Enrique
Líster López. “Leninismo y oportunismo” (Leninism
and opportunism).
Ediciones PCOE, 1976, p. 21 – 22. Madrid
10 V.I.
Lenin. “Marxism and Reformism”. Collected Works, Vol. 10, p.
372-375. Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow
Lenin. “The Position and Tasks of the Socialist International”.
Collected Works, Vol. 21, p. 35-41. Progress Publishers, 1974,
12 V.I.
Lenin. “The Collapse of the Second International”. Collected
Works, Vol. 21, p. 205-259. Progress Publishers, 1974, Moscow
16. Nowadays,
having the necessary perspective and when there is no doubt about
the bourgeois and imperialist character of many sections of
social-democracy during World War II, the communist movement has
to analyze rigorously the policy of the united front of
proletariat with the social-democratic parties adopted by the
7th Congress of the Komintern, as it entailed a series of
consequences which have great importance for the international
communist movement.
links of prominent social-democrat cadres with the oligachy have
deepened since then. As an example, we can mention the
participation of the former president of the Spanish government,
Felipe González – former Secretary General of PSOE – in the
so-called “Father's
and Son's Business Meeting”,
a private initiative that brings together businessmen from all
over Latin America and their heirs in order to share the “recipes
of success in business”
and speak about “the
social issues that worry the world”.
Some of the oligarchs who participated were, among others, Carlos
Slim, the second richest man in the world; the Colombian tycoon
Julio Mario Santo Domingo; the Venezuelan businessman Gustavo
Cisneros; the Argentinians Paolo Rocca, Federico Braun and
Alfredo Román; the Chileans Andrónico Lucksia and Álvaro Saieh
or the Brazilians Joao Roberto Marinho, David Feffer and Antonio
Moreiras. (Publico newspaper,
Madrid, 08/03/2009, news from Agency EFE).
18. Basic
Programme of the SPD. Bonn, 1959, p. 5-17.
19. About
some movements which, like the known as “15M” or “movement
of the indignados”,
never go beyond the social-democratic approaches, we refer to the
Statement of the Executive Committee of the PCPE on the
mobilizations started on May 15th, issued on May 19th, 2011,
which can be found
20. Member
of the Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of Greece. Quote from
her article “Ideas on a new international. Internationalism in
Marxist theory” , written after the invitation of the Turkish
Communist Party to the meeting organized by the Marxist-Leninist
Research Centre of Turkey. The article was published in the
theoretical journal of the KKE (KOMEP, issue 6 of 2010).
21. The
President of the Spanish Congress and leader of the PSOE, José
Bono, declared in public that the “class struggle” in
21st century “is a bash” that “is not even believed in
China”, that nowadays jobs have to be created “basically”
by the businessmen with the “help” of the public
administrations so, he noted, PSOE will not campaign “against
those who create wealth and jobs”. Words reflected in the
Spanish mass media on May 9th, 2010. Agency Europa Press.
22. Speech
of comrade Aleka Papariga, Secretary General of the KKE, before
thousands of workers, on May 11th, 2011.