Saturday, December 31, 2016

Message of the KKE to the people for the New Year

The KKE wishes a good and militant year to the working people, the unemployed and self-employed ones, the poor farmers, the young people and the women of the popular strata, to the refugees and immigrants, who live or remain trapped in our country.

The new year 2017, which starts with new burdens for our people, can leave a strong imprint on the effort for the recasting of the labour movement, building of the social alliance, strengthening of the KKE, in order to pave the way for a better future for our people.

The SYRIZA-ANEL government, as well as the other parties of the system, despite their disagreements for the governmental chair, cultivate to the people the false explectation that the recovery of the capitalist economy will supposedly put an end to the people's sacrifices, will stop the deterioration process of his life.

The reality is completely different. Even if there is some kind of recovery, it will be for the profits of the few, it will be uncertain, because the developments themselves in the global and european economy are inauspicious. Above all, it will be a recovery which not only will not replenish the huge losses for the people, but will be accompanied by new masures, “bloody” surpluses, sustained “cutters” of working-peoples' rights.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Message of the KKE to the Communist Party of Cuba for the 58th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

On the occasion of the 58th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) send to the Communist Party of Cuba (Partido Comunista de Cuba) the following message:

"To the CC of the CP of Cuba.

Athens, Thursday 29 December 2016.

Dear comrades,

The KKE warmly salutes the 58th anniversary of the victory of the Revolution in Cuba.

Raul Castro: "Cuba will not go towards Capitalism now or ever"

Source: Telesur.

Cuban President Raul Castro said that the socialist country will not head towards capitalism, as the country prepares for the first anniversary of the Cuban Revolution after the death of his brother Fidel.

Raul spoke at the national assembly, after over a month since he announced to the world the death of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on November 25.

He spoke about the economy of the nation predicting that the economy will grow and the Gross Domestic Product will grow moderately at around 2 percent.

To achieve this, three decisive premises must be fulfilled: ensuring exports and their timely billing, increasing domestic production that replaces imports, and reducing all non-essential expenses, he added.

The president also said the country shouldn’t be afraid of foreign capital arriving on the island.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Turkish President Erdogan sues 'Boyun Eğme' communist weekly for...defamation

The "witch hunt" by the bourgeois AKP government of Tayip Erdogan in Turkey continues. This time, a new defamation case is filed against the weekly newspaper of the Communist Party (Komünist Parti) 'Boyun Eğme' for insulting the Turkish President.

Boyun Eğme, a weekly newspaper  of the Communist Party, Turkey (KP), was accused of insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan through a published article titled ‘Solcu Liseliler (Leftist Students) set off’.

According to the bill of indictment prepared by the İstanbul Anadolu Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and accepted by the court, punishment is sought for Mehmet Kuzulugil, the editor-in-chief of the Boyun Eğme due to the accusation.

In the bill of indictment in which the President Erdoğan is named as ‘injured party’, it is propounded that libelous expressions are found in the article titled ‘Solcu Liseliler set off’ of the 47th issue of the Boyun Eğme.

Friday, December 23, 2016

USSR 1991 – History did not end with the counterrevolution; Socialism is timely and necessary

It was December 26, 1991 – 25 years ago- when the red flag with the sickle and hammer was lowered from the Moscow Kremlin. It was then, during the cold days of December, when the first socialist state of the world, the homeland of the world's proletariat, bent under the weight of the counterrevolution. Four days before, on December 22nd, the leaderships of three of the largest Soviet republics had decided the dissolution of the USSR, while the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had been outlawed on summer of the same year.

The events of December 1991 sealed the victory of the counterrevolution, as the result of a process which officially began in 1985 with the Perestroika and reached its peak in 1989 with the overthrow of Socialism. Of course, the roots of the counterrevolution can be traced back in a series of revisionist-opportunist decisions taken at the CPSU's 20th Congress back in 1956.

KKE’s perception on socialism: Assessments and conclusions on socialist construction during the 20th century, focusing on the USSR

The following is the Resolution of the 18th Congress of the KKE (held on February 2009), containing assessments and conclusions on socialist construction during the 20th century, focusing on the USSR.

The 18th Congress of KKE, fulfilling the task set forward by the 17th Congress four years ago, dwelled deeper into the causes of the victory of the counterrevolution and of capitalist restoration. This has been an imperative and timely obligation for our Party, as it is for every Communist Party. It was thus that we faced this task during all the years that have elapsed since the 14th Congress and the National Conference of 1995. It is a task interlinked with the revival of consciousness and of faith in socialism.

For more than a century now, bourgeois polemics against the communist movement, often assuming the form of an intellectual elitism, concentrate their fire on the revolutionary core of the workers’ movement; they struggle, in general, against the necessity of revolution and its political offspring, the dictatorship of the proletariat that is the revolutionary working class power. In particular, they fight against the outcome of the first victorious revolution, of the October Revolution in Russia, fiercely opposing every phase where the Revolution exposed and repelled counterrevolutionary activities and opportunist barriers, which, in the final analysis, were weakening, directly or indirectly, the Revolution at a social and political level.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

KKE: Statement regarding the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey and the Berlin attack

Regarding the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Ankara and the deadly attack in Berlin, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued the following statement:

"The KKE condemns the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Ankara, as well as the deadly attack in Berlin.

These actions, regardless the especial objectives of the perpetrators, consist a component of the imperialist war in the 21st century and that applies regardless of the extend to which the activity of such organisations is formed under the support or tolerance of imperialist centers or it is manifested as an element of autonomy of these forces from any powerful centers that strengthened them in the past.

Monday, December 19, 2016

KNE-KG Joint Declaration: The people and the youth of Greece and Turkey have nothing to divide

The Communist Youth, Turkey (Komünist Gençlik-KG) had welcomed a delegation from the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) on 13-14-15th December in İstanbul.
One of the outcomes of the correspondences between the two organizations has been a joint call to the youth in both countries for joining their common struggle based on proletarian internationalism against imperialist bloodsheds and capitalist barbarity. 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The unbearable hypocrisy of the Party of the European Left towards Cuba

According to news reports, in the inauguration of the 5th Congress of the Party of the European Left (EL), which takes place in Berlin, the participants kept a minute of silence as a tribute to the late Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro

The Party of the European Left, which is composed by social democratic (e.g. SYRIZA, Die Linke etc.) and opportunist parties (e.g. French Communist Party), tries to pose as a "friend" of Socialist Cuba. What an irony!

However, in 2013, the same "European Left" was applauding the known Cuban anticommunist Guillermo Farinas when he was receiving the Sakharov Prize at the European Parliament! The award ceremony, back in 2013, had been attended by Gabi Zimmer, member of the German 'Die Linke' party and president of the GUE/NGL European Parliamentary Group.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Kemal Okuyan- Bringing back the 20th century

Bringing back the 20th century…
By Kemal Okuyan* / Source: soL International.
December 14, 2016.

‘The 20th century is over now’ was the headline of Hurriyet after the death of Fidel Castro. This journal had stirred in me a particular feeling of disgust since my early youth; it is a kind of official journal, the strong voice of the dominant ideology, always great and wealthy, and steadyingly the flagship of the fight against communism.

Hurriyet, independent from its owner, is the representative of the intelligence, for whatever remains in the idiocratic system to be called so, of the capitalist class.

The headline of ‘the 20th century is over now’, without doubt, should be considered as a hideous ideological assault, including the intimidation of ‘now you’re screwed’, against those who cannot accept today’s world. However, this inferiority, this respectlessnes does not annihilate the intelligence inherent in the headline.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

SYRIZA's political "flirt" with Golden Dawn - When Social Democracy tries to "acquit" the Neonazi criminals

The political "love affair" between SYRIZA and the Nazis of Golden Dawn seems to continue. After the joint visit of SYRIZA and Golden Dawn's MPs in Kastelorizo- and the common photographs in the island- we had another episode in social democracy's effort to politically caress the neonazi murderers. 

This time, SYRIZA MP and former Justice Minister Nikos Paraskevopoulos decided to proceed a step forward. During an interview with the conservative 'Vradyni' newspaper, Paraskevopoulos said that the Neonazi party must be supported by democratic parties if it decides to embrace the rule of democracy. 

Solidarity with the just struggle of the Palestinian people - للتضامن مع النضال العادل للشعب الفلسطيني


The event organized by the Attica Party Organization of the KKE in cooperation with the Palestinian Embassy at the "Alkyonis" cinema on the evening of Sunday 11/12 sent warm militant greetings to the Palestinian people and also sent a message calling for the intensification of internationalist solidarity with them.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Aleka Papariga: Capitalism will not live forever; it will be overthrown

Speaking in a political event organised by the KKE Sectoral Organisation of Volos on Sunday 11/12, the member of the CC of the KKE and former General Secretary of the Party Aleka Papariga, mentioned, among others, the following:

"The KKE is the only Party that knows very well what the capitalist system means. It knows very well the danger of Capitalism, the power it has in its hands, but also knows that the capitalist system isn't a system that will live forever. On the contrary, it is a system which can be overthrown. [...] Many believe that as long as the Socialist system does not exist today, the only system that can exist is Capitalism. We say that Capitalism has contradictions and deadlocks- even today, when it appears in a global scale, without opponent- and can be overthrown.

Of course, it will not collapse by itself, but in one or another country the conditions for its overthrow can be created. And what is important today, above all, is that the working class and her allies must understand that there is the potentiality to take the power in their hands. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Kostas Papadakis (KKE MEP)- No trust in any bourgeois government, any bourgeois class, any imperialist alliance


Kostas Papadakis, member of the CC and MEP, in the introductory speech of the KKE at the international seminar of the KKE's delegation to the European Parliament stressed the following:

Dear comrades,

Our seminar today aims to shed light on contemporary, complex and serious (for the workers) developments, through the prism of  Leninist thought, as this was exemplified 100 years ago in the work "On the Slogan for a United States of Europe". With the utilization of other works that also analyze the constituent elements of imperialism, as the highest stage of capitalism.
Today, we see new inter-state unions next to the old ones, like NATO and the EU. Unions are emerging in Eurasia, Latin America, Asia that supposedly aim to unite the peoples and economic life of entire continents. The problems are serious, because apart from the mutated parties that bear the "communist" title and follow the social-democratic path, there are CPs that are trying, struggling but detach this development from its economic base and salute it, adopting the ideological construct of the so-called "multi-polar world".

The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of Greece to be held between 30 March- 2 April 2017

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) decided that the Party's 20th Congress will take place on the days from 30 March to 2 April 2017 in Athens. The two subjects of the Congress will be:

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Ernesto Che Guevara: The speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations (1964)

Ernesto Che Guevara's  speech at the United Nations General Assembly,  
11 December 1964.
Mr. President;
Distinguished delegates:
The delegation of Cuba to this Assembly, first of all, is pleased to fulfill the agreeable duty of welcoming the addition of three new nations to the important number of those that discuss the problems of the world here. We therefore greet, in the persons of their presidents and prime ministers, the peoples of Zambia, Malawi and Malta, and express the hope that from the outset these countries will be added to the group of Nonaligned countries that struggle against imperialism, colonialism and neocolonialism.

Turkey: Anadolu University tolerates jihadists, bans Fidel commemoration!

According to SOL InternationalAnadolu University in Eskişehir banned the commemoration of Fidel Castro last week, but the rectorate allowed IHH, a foundation known for supporting and funding jihadists to open a stand within the university. Students reacted against the decision.

Jack London- How I Became A Socialist

Jack London
12 January 1876 - 22 November 1916.
"How I Became A Socialist".

It is quite fair to say that I became a Socialist in a fashion somewhat similar to the way in which the Teutonic pagans became Christians–it was hammered into me. Not only was I not looking for Socialism at the time of my conversion, but I was fighting it. I was very young and callow, did not know much of anything, and though I had never even heard of a school called “Individualism,” I sang the paean of the strong with all my heart.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Successful International communist seminar regarding Vladimir Lenin's work was organised by the KKE in Athens

The International Seminar, with the subject: "A century from the publication of the work of V.I.Lenin "On the slogan of a United States of Europe", took place today, Saturday 10th December, organised by the European Parliament Team of the KKE in Athens, responding to the call of the Plenary session of the Parties of the "European Communist Initiative".

Friday, December 9, 2016

"On the slogan for a United States of Europe"- Communist Parties to participate in international seminar in Athens

IDC / Info from

At least 20 Communist Parties from around the world will participate in the international seminar that will take place in Athens on Saturday 10 December. The seminar's subject is the 100th anniversary since the publication of V.I.Lenin's work "On the slogan for a United States of Europe" and is organised by the European Parliament team of the KKE

The seminar's major speaker is Kostas Papadakis, member of the CC of the KKE and KKE MEP. The General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas will also attend the seminar and will deliver a short greeting message.

The venue of the seminar is Stanley Hotel at Karaiskaki Square (1 Odysseos str). 

KKE slams PM Tsipras: "His announcements consist provocative mockery for the people"

Regarding today's announcement (read below) by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE issued the following comment (Source:

"When the government votes in the Parliament another budget with new taxes and cuts for the people and prepares a new blow to the working-people's rights for the sake of the second evaluation and Eurogroup decision, the governmental announcements, which distribute "crumbs" - from the bloody surpluses- to the most impoverished people that its own policy creates multiplies, cannot be regarded as anythng but provocative mockery.

Even worse, they aim to persuade the people to forget any sense of right and to compromise with the minimum and the sums benefits-"crumbs".

Thursday, December 8, 2016

General Strike in Greece: Mass participation in PAME's strike demonstrations sent message to government-EU

Thousands of protesters took the streets in Athens, Thessaloniki and several cities in Greece, participating in militant demonstrations organised by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME). 

Workers, self-employed people, pensioners, youth and women associations, unemployed men and women unified their voice against the antipeople policy of the SYRIZA-ANEL government, the EU and the Capital. They demanded, once again, their rights in labour and life against modern slavery. 

The General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas, who attended the demonstration in Athens' Omonia Square, made the following statement to journalists:

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

General Strike on December 8th in Greece - PAME calls for massive, militant response of the working class

A general, nationwide strike will take place on Thursday 8th December in Greece. Numerous labour unions, confederations and centers, students and women's associations have called for mass participation in the strike, against the policies of the SYRIZA government, the EU and the Capital.
The Government of SYRIZA, with the EU-IMF-ECB, are realizing the demands of the business groups and plan the imposition of: 
Liberalization of massive layoffsNew cut of the-already cut- minimum wage, Abolition of any benefit left, Complete imposition of individual or company based contracts, in order to cut further the average salary, Further imposition of flexible working relations, New cuts in pensions and social security rights, Legalization of employers’ “lockout”, Imposition of new trade union legislation that will abolish the right to strike and destroy trade union rights and freedoms and more measures.

Monday, December 5, 2016

SYRIZA and Golden Dawn- When Social Democracy met with the Nazis

From the left to right: Ilias Kasidiaris (Golden Dawn), Nina Kasimati (SYRIZA), Dimitris Vitsas (Alternate Defense Minister, SYRIZA), Panos Kammenos (Defense Minister, ANEL), Eleni Avlonitou (SYRIZA). 
The islands of Kastelorizo, Ro and Stroggyli in south-eastern Aegean was the destination of a short visit by Greece's Minister of Defense Panos Kammenos, the Chief of the General Staff Admiral V.Apostolakis and 9 members of the Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense. Among the members who accompanied Kamenos were 5 MPs from SYRIZA, 1 MP from the right-wing ANEL (Independent Greeks) party, 1 MP from the Center Union party and 2 members from the Nazi-fascist Golden Dawn! 

The Turkish government escalates provocative rhetoric over Aegean- Comment by the Communist Party of Greece

Rejep Tayyip Erdogan.
Last Wednesday, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu referred to the eastern Aegean Imia islets as “Turkish soil.” Cavusoglu was responding in writing to a question tabled by a Turkish MP regarding the status of islands and islets in the Aegean.

“As long as the AKP is in power there will be no change in the legal and de facto status of islands in the Aegean,” noted Cavusoglu in his statement. 

Cavusoglu’s comments followed comments made by the leader of the Turkish Republican People's Party (CHP) Kemal Kilicdaroglu in which he accused Greece of occupying 18 islands in the Aegean.

The Greek Foreign Ministry described the comments by Cavusoglu as “irresponsible and provocative” and a violation of international law. In response, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Huseyin Muftuoglu reaffirmed Ankara’s stance. 

“Turkey’s position on her sovereignty over Kardak Rocks [the Turkish name for the Imia islets] is well known by the international community since 1996. There is no change in our policy in this regard.” said Muftuoglu.

"A more humane society is possible!" - Speech by Fidel Castro on May 1st, 2002 at the Plaza de la Revolución

Speech by Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz at the International Workers' Day celebration at the Plaza de la Revolución, in Havana, on May 1, 2002. 

Distinguished guests;
Dear countrymen:

         We were condemned in Geneva by those who believe that this sea of people gathered here, which can be seen from every corner of the globe, has been deprived of its human rights. I am certain that not one of those Latin American countries that promoted, co-sponsored or supported this project could gather even 5 % of the number here in their respective capitals.

         Are these fanatic, ignorant and uncultured individuals who lack any historical or political knowledge? If we were to ask this mass of people if there were any amongst them who could not read or write; or if there were any functional illiterate people who had never studied beyond grammar school, not one person could raise their hand. But if we were to ask how many of this same mass have the education of a ninth grader or above, more than  90 %, would raise their hands. The only ones who wouldn’t raise their hands would be the students who haven’t yet reached their 15thbirthdays.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

THE TRUTH ABOUT SOCIALIST CUBA: Refuting the bourgeois slanders against Fidel Castro


The death of Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz on November 25 sparked a barrage of vulgar statements, declarations and comments from various bourgeois sources. Liberals, neoliberals, conservatives, neo-Nazis and other apologists of Capitalism's barbarity tried to vilify Fidel as a "dictator" and Socialist Cuba as a "repressive dictatorship". Of course, the millions of Cuban people, of every age, who took the streets in order to say farewell to Comandante Fidel gave their powerful response to all these anticommunist slanderers. Was Fidel Castro a "dictator", as the bourgeois propaganda argues, or was he a champion of social justice and a hero to millions of people across the world?

Friday, December 2, 2016

KKE: The people must be ready and vigilant - Statement about foreign policy and the Cyprus Issue

The GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, noted the following on 28/11/2016 in his statements on Foreign Policy and the Cyprus Issue:

“The KKE follows with concern the latest developments regarding both Greek-Turkish relations as well as the Cyprus Issue. The KKE expresses its opinion with responsibility and calls on the Greek people to be in a state of readiness and vigilance.

The major everyday problems which afflict our people are expected to worsen in the coming period, as a result of the second “evaluation” and the government's new agreements with its partners in the EU and IMF.

Fidel Castro — How I became a Communist

I was the son of a landowner—that was one reason for me to be a reactionary. I was educated in religious schools that were attended by the sons of the rich—another reason for being a reactionary. I lived in Cuba, where all the films, publications, and mass media were “Made in USA”—a third reason for being a reactionary. I studied in a university where out of fifteen thousand students, only thirty were anti-imperialists, and I was one of those thirty at the end. When I entered the university, it was as the son of a landowner—and to make matters worse, as a political illiterate!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Condemn the unjust prosecution of young communist- member of KNE by the Greek authorities

Information from 'Rizospastis' and

KILKIS- Numerous working class unions, students and women associations, various bodies of the labour-peoples' movement in Greece have condemned the prosecution by the police authorities of a young woman, member of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE). The KNE member, a student at Thessaloniki's Aristotle Univerity, was arrested on November 7th outside a high school in the city of Kilkis, northern Greece, after a complaint by the school's director. Her "criminal offense" was that she was....discussing with students the organisation of mobilization and struggle against the governmental policy on Education!

Showing primitive anticommunism the Greek authorities arrested the young comrade and appointed a court hearing on December 2nd. The prosecution was immediately denounced by the KKE Kilkis Sectoral Organisation and the KKE MEP Sotiris Zarianopoulos who expressed their protest to the local police department. 

Solidarity with the communists and people of Sudan

The KKE denounces the anti-people measures that the government of Sudan has taken in coordination with the IMF, which even further worsen the position of the working class and the poor popular strata of the country. 
It salutes the workers’-people’s mobilizations against the anti-people measures, for the social and democratic rights of the people of Sudan and expresses its solidarity with the CP of Sudan. 
We denounce the attempts to repress the people and the CP of Sudan, whose CC’s offices were encircled in the morning today (30/11/2016) by police forces. 
The authoritarianism of the government and the repression of the people’s mobilizations will not succeed!
Hands off the communists!

Comandante Fidel Castro - In His Own Words (VIDEOS)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

KKE in the European Parliament: Regarding the issue of the new anti-communist law in Bulgaria

On the 24th of November 2016 in Bulgaria a "Law for the amending and supplementing of the Law which declares the communist regime in Bulgaria as criminal” was voted upon in first reading, which among other things provocatively provides for the prohibition of the use and placement of  communist symbols and the removal of symbols, slogans, photographs, signs and other marks or objects from the years of socialism from public spaces or, if it is not possible to remove them immediately, the placement of a sign on these which will refer the following: "the communist regime in Bulgaria during the period 09.09.1944 - 11.10.1989 and the actions of the CP of Bulgaria have been declared criminal by a law voten upon by the 38th National Assembly."
Penalties and large fines are also foreseen for those who do not comply, as well as provisions to the Ministry of Education, the universities, schools, the deans, professors and teachers to harmonize school and university books with this unacceptable law.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thank You Compañero Fidel Castro!

By Nikos Mottas*.

"Rights are to be taken, 
not requested; seized, 
not begged for"
- Jose Marti.

After 25th November 2016 humanity is poorer. The international working class, the people who fiught for a better world, those who believe in a society without exploitation of man by man, are poorer. Along with the proud people of Cuba, the international communist movement mourns the biological death of one of the greatest, the most emblematic revolutionaries of contemporary History. The heart of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Comandante Fidel Castro stopped beating, marking the biological end of a life of 90 years full of struggles and sacrifices for the ideals of Socialism-Communism, for a Cuba where the people will be the masters of their destiny.

The death of Fidel, as well as the biological deaths of other extraordinary revolutionaries and communists like Lenin, Stalin, Che, Ho Chi Minch, consists a motive for the evaluation of their revolutionary work and legacy. A work and a legacy which are key factors in the formation of the class conciousness of the working class.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Message of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) to Cuba's Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas regarding the death of Fidel

The Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), the youth-wing of the KKE, send the following message to the Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas of Cuba on the occassion of Comandante Fidel Castro's death:

"Comrades of the Union of Communist Youth of Cuba,

We extend the sincere condolences of the members and friends of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) for the death of Fidel Castro. 

"My beloved Fidel...": Greece's legendary composer Mikis Theodorakis farewells his friend, Fidel Castro

"My beloved Fidel, 
you left us 
and this is the first time 
I disagree with you".

- Mikis Theodorakis, 26/11/2016.

With the above laconic phrase published in his personal website the internationally-renowned Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, 91, expressed his farewell to the emblematic Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro. 

Theodorakis, composer of numerous masterpieces such as Canto General (Poetry by Pablo Neruda), Axion EstiSerpico and Zorba, whose musical genius made a decisive contribution to the cultural renaissance of postwar Greece, had the opportunity to meet with Fidel in Cuba and become a friend of the Cuban leader. 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

"Fidel Castro will always live in the historic memory and the collective consciousness of the people of the world"

During his speech in a political and cultural event in honor of the 98 years of the KKE in Athens, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Greece Dimitris Koutsoumbas referred to the death of Fidel Castro. Secretary Koutsoumbas expressed the condolences of the Central Committee of the KKE for the death of the legendary Cuban leader. The reference to the name of Fidel caused a generous applause from the audience.

KKE's General Secretary said:

"On behalf of the CC of the Party, from our today's event, we would like to publicly express our deep sadness for the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution, cde.Fidel Castro.

We deliver our condolences to the leadership and the members of the CP of Cuba, to the entire Cuban people.

We farewell a lenendary figure, not only of the Cuban people and Latin America, but of the international communist movement.

Communist Party of Greece (KKE): Statement on the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro

In its statement on the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, the Central Committee of the KKE noted:
«The CC of the KKE, with great sadness, bids farewell to the legendary figure of the international communist movement, the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro.
We express our most sincere condolences to the President of Cuba, Raul Castro, the CC of the CP of Cuba and to the entire Cuban people.
Fidel Castro was born in Birán, Cuba, on the 13th of August 1926 and studied law at Havana University. As a student he began to participate in the revolutionary movement against the Batista dictatorship in Cuba, a dictatorship which was also openly supported by the USA.

Fidel Castro (1926-2016) "Hasta La Victoria Siempre!"

ADIOS COMANDANTE FIDEL CASTRO- Communist Parties react to the death of the legendary Cuban revolutionary

Fidel Castro, former president and leader of the Cuban revolution, died Friday night at age 90, Cuban state television confirmed.
Raul Castro, Cuba's President and Fidel Castro's brother, announced that Fidel would be cremated on Saturday. "The commander in chief of the Cuban revolution died 10:29pm tonight," said Castro.
Communist Parties from all over the world react to the death of Fidel / Source: International Communist Press - To be updated.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

John Reed- Ten Days That Shook the World (1919) Chapter II "The Coming Storm"

Ten Days That Shook the World.
By John Reed.

In September General Kornilov marched on Petrograd to make himself military dictator of Russia. Behind him was suddenly revealed the mailed fist of the bourgeoisie, boldly attempting to crush the Revolution. Some of the Socialist Ministers were implicated; even Kerensky was under suspicion. (See App. II, Sect. 1) Savinkov, summoned to explain to the Central Committee of his party, the Socialist Revolutionaries, refused and was expelled. Kornilov was arrested by the Soldiers' Committees. Generals were dismissed, Ministers suspended from their functions, and the Cabinet fell.
Kerensky tried to form a new Government, including the Cadets, party of the bourgeoisie. His party, the Socialist Revolutionaries, ordered him to exclude the Cadets. Kerensky declined to obey, and threatened to resign from the Cabinet if the Socialists insisted. However, popular feeling ran so high that for the moment he did not dare oppose it, and a temporary Directorate of Five of the old Ministers, with Kerensky at the head, assumed the power until the question should be settled.