Saturday, March 22, 2025

Turkish communists respond to Erdogan's attempt to delegitimize mass protests: People Will Break the Game

The political developments that began on March 19 with the detention orders issued for more than 100 people, including Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu and journalist İsmail Saymaz, continue to unfold.

On the first day of these events, the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) declared, “We Call on Our People to Organize Against AKP Tyranny.” And today, the Party has called for protests in several cities, especially in the three major metropolitan cities, with the following appeal:

Thursday, March 20, 2025

What is "ReArm Europe"? Multi-tool of warfare against the peoples

The EU has announced the “ReArm Europe” program worth 800 billion euros, signalling a rapid increase in its war spending.

It is thus reinforcing the war economy strategy and armaments of the previous period, escalating its involvement in the imperialist war in Ukraine. Its aim is to play a leading role on the Ukrainian front in conditions of heightened Euro-Atlantic antagonisms and US-Russian bargaining.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

KKE on Trump-Putin call: Imperialist peace and arrangements are the other side of imperialist war

In a statement issued on Wednesday 19 March, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) refers to the recent call between U.S President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin concerning the situation in Ukraine. The statement (here in Greek) reads:

“The drumbeats about a ceasefire in the 3-year imperialist war in Ukraine, between the US, NATO, EU and capitalist Russia, cannot overshadow the real facts and the painful reality of the continuation of the war that tortures the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, as well as the dangers for other peoples.

Communist Party of Turkey condemns the detention of Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu

Turkish police on Wednesday arrested Istanbul’s mayor — a key political rival of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — and several other prominent figures as part of investigations into alleged corruption and terror links. It was a dramatic escalation in an ongoing crackdown on the opposition and dissenting voices in Turkey. 

The state-run Anadolu Agency said prosecutors issued detention warrants for the mayor, Ekrem Imamoglu, and some 100 other people. Among those detained was Imamoglu’s close aide, Murat Ongun.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Conference of the European Communist Action: The struggle of the working class and its movement is the real catalyst of developments

The European Communist Action (ECA) conference took place on Sunday 16 March in Paris, on the theme: "Conclusions and perspectives for the labour movement in Europe".

The conference, organised two years after the major workers' mobilisations in France, which shook the country and the whole of Europe, aims to exchange the views and experiences of the CPs of ECA the  on the workers' movement in Europe.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Trump's tariffs analyzed from a class perspective

By Charles Andrews*

The key to a capitalist economy is the state of its capital accumulation. That goes for understanding tariffs in particular.

 — U.S. tariffs were successful in the late 19th century. Capital accumulation was vigorous, and tariff protection helped develop domestic industries.

 — The 1930 Smoot-Hawley tariffs certainly did not help when the boom of the 1920s had already collapsed into a deep depression. Capitalism cannot evade the law of the falling rate of profit; boom turns into bust.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Mass graves of executed communists from the Civil War discovered in northern Greece

By Nikos Mottas

Two mass graves containing the remains of executed communists from the 1946-49 Civil War have been discovered in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city.

The graves were uncovered during redevelopment work close to the national resistance memorial, thus increasing the total of such sites in the area to six. The location of the graves indicates that it was likely used for the execution of political prisoners due to its proximity to the notorious Yedi Kule prison.

Friday, March 14, 2025

No to the rearmament of Europe: Statement on the imperialist war in Ukraine and the EU’s arms race

Joint statement from the Communist Front Political Bureau and the Front of Communist Youth National Secretariat on the third anniversary of the war in Ukraine:

1. Three years after the escalation of the war in Ukraine between the Russian Federation and the US-EU-NATO Euro-Atlantic alliance, the conditions under which peace talks or cease-fire negotiations are presented once again demonstrate that this war has nothing to do with the “defense of European values” and democratic freedoms, nor with the alleged “anti-fascist” values that are instrumentally invoked by both factions. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

New York City's working class is hit by extreme poverty

Something is very rotten in the heart of the American Dream. In 2025, when the total net worth of the 10 richest Americans is $1.774 trillion, the working class of the largest metropolis in the U.S. faces the consequences of capitalist barbarism.

A new report by a research group at Columbia University and Robin Hood, an anti-poverty group, reveals a brutal reality: One in four New Yorkers lives in extreme poverty. This means that the city's poverty rate is nearly double the national average.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Communist Party of Turkey leader Kemal Okuyan on the solution process regarding the Kurdish Issue

Interview with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), Kemal Okuyan, published in the March issue of TKP's monthly newspaper, Boyun Eğme:

Nowadays, everyone asks everyone else: "Do you support or oppose the new Solution Process?". So, let's start from here: How does TKP view this new process? 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

KKE: Protests for the anti-communist, anti-democratic persecutions in Ukraine and Russia

Press release of the IRS of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

On 11 March 2025, the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) held a picket outside the Embassy of Ukraine in Athens, while a delegation of the KKE and KNE affixed a letter of protest to its door.

With this protest, the KKE and KNE condemned the prolonged political persecution, arrest and torture of Mikhail and Alexander Kononovich, members of the Ukrainian Communist Youth League (Komsomol).

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Communist Party of Greece condemns the massacre of minorities by Syria's jihadist regime

In a statement (here in Greek) concerning the massacre of more than 1,000 civilians, mostly Alawites, by the jihadist ruling forces of Syria, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out:

"The KKE condemns the heinous crimes in Syria by the jihadist regime, which was imposed with the intervention of the states of Turkey and Israel and with the support of the US and the EU. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

International Working Women’s Day 2025: Statement by the European Communist Action

March 8 was proclaimed as International Working Women's Day by the Second International Conference of Communist Women held in Moscow in June 1921.

Working-class women live in a world of exploitation and inequality, expropriated labour, low wages and precarious and socially devalued work. They face, poverty, discrimination, harassment, problems in accessing healthcare, and are forced to confront the harsh consequences of repeated attacks on social security protections and the absence of free proper childcare facilities.

Friday, March 7, 2025

D. Koutsoumbas: The KKE's position on the nature of the war in Ukraine is confirmed once again

During the debate in the Parliament on 5 March, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of the CC of the KKE, referred, among other things, to international developments and the war fronts, noting the following:

“One of the things you told the people to justify our country’s involvement in the war in Ukraine in the role of a NATO stooge was that we are supposedly on the 'right side of history'. Among other things, this involvement has hit the pockets of our people, especially due to high energy bills.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Joint struggle of the communists in Greece and Turkey against the US bases and NATO

Elisseos Vagenas, member of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and Head of the Party's International Relations Section, gave an interview to the Turkish newspaper "Cumhuriyet":

— Greek newspapers Dimokratia and Ta Nea claimed that US President Donald Trump has decided to close the alleged US base in Alexandroupoli, Greece. However, US officials issued a statement on the allegations, saying that “the US does not have a base in Alexandroupoli, it is a Greek facility to which the US has access under the Mutual Defense Cooperation Treaty.” What is your assessment of these discussions?

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

KKE: Statement of the Political Bureau of the CC on the mass strike rallies of 28 February 2025


On the mass strike rallies of 28 february 2025 

1. The PB of the CC of the KKE salutes the more than one and a half million demonstrators, workers, employees, self-employed, small traders and craftsmen, farmers, youth, parents with their children, artists, intellectuals and many others, who flooded the squares all over the country and abroad on 28 February, two years after the crime of Tempe. The people have spoken and the government, the bourgeois state and their mouthpieces have finally kept silent. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Joseph Stalin on Winston Churchill’s Speech at Fulton

Towards the middle of March, 1946, a “Pravda” correspondent requested Joseph Stalin to clarify a number of questions connected with Winston Churchill’s famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, U.S.A. Below are J. V. Stalin’s replies to the correspondent’s questions.

Question: How do you appraise Mr. Churchill’s latest speech in the United States of America?

Answer: I appraise it as a dangerous act, calculated to sow the seeds of dissension among the Allied States and impede their collaboration. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Documentary on communist leader Nikos Zachariadis to be presented in Greece

New Star (Flickr)
For the first time, a documentary for the legendary communist leader Nikos Zachariadis, long-time General Secretary of the Communist Party of Greece from 1931 to 1956, will be premiered on 19 March 2025 in Athens. 

A production of Russian writer, poet and historian Dmitry Mizgulin and directed by Andrei Nikishin, the documentary (roughly translated from Greek as "Unbending Nikos") includes rare archival material and testimonies from Zachariadis' lifelong friend and comrade Alexis Parnis. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Communist Party of Turkey: Statement on the public letter of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan

In a statement about the public letter of jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, who called on his movement to lay down its arms and dissolve itself thus ending a 40-year conflict with the Turkish state, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) stresses out:
Statement by TKP Central Committee on Öcalan's Letter

To Our People,

"Their profits vs our lives"! Huge strike rallies in Greece on the 2nd anniversary of Tempi train crash

The struggle escalates with mass participation in today's nationwide strike
The participation of the workers and youth in today’s 24-hour national general strike on 28 February was huge, exactly two years after the railway crime, when two trains, a freight train and a passenger train, collided in the area of Tempi, near the city of Larissa, killing 57 people, mostly university students.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Rizospastis: The bargaining for Ukraine's mineral wealth exposes the imperialist pretexts

The daily newspaper “Rizospastis”, the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece, refers on its front page of 26 February 2025 to the developments around the imperialist war in Ukraine and states in its headline: “The bargaining for mineral wealth exposes the imperialist pretexts”.

The article goes on to say that “The US-NATO-EU propaganda in defence of ‘democracy’ and ‘Western values’ is collapsing like a house of cards. The role of the ND government is exposed, as well as that of the social-democratic parties (PASOK, SYRIZA) and others who support the country’s involvement in the war. The positions of the KKE are confirmed”.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Russia's Maria Zakharova lectures French Minister of Foreign Affairs: Why France should thank the USSR

Editor's Note - NM: This site firmly maintains its position about the imperialist character of the war in Ukraine, which is waged between two major imperialist blocs, the Euro-Atlantic one (NATO,USA, EU, Ukraine) and the emerging Eurasian one (capitalist Russia, China and her allies). Within this context, we refrain from publishing statements/declarations or articles from bourgeois state/governmental sources involved in this matter. The text below is an exception that mainly serves historical purposes. All articles on the war can be found in the following tags: Ukraine War and Russia-Ukraine War.

Communist Knesset member Cassif: "They are trying to silence us, there’s a fascist atmosphere in Israel"

Racist Otzma Yehudit MK Almog Cohen announced past week that he would begin collecting lawmakers’ signatures to initiate impeachment proceedings against Hadash MK Ofer Cassif, condemning what he described as the Communist legislator’s “vile and disgraceful comparison of the voluntary emigration program for Gaza residents to the voluntary emigration of Jews from Nazi Germany.” 

In November, Cassif was suspended from the Knesset for six months over comments he made about the Israeli army war in Gaza. Under the terms of his suspension, Cassif is not allowed to enter the Knesset plenum or committee meetings except to vote.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Greeks to flood the streets on 28 February: National strike and demand for Justice for the Tempi train crash

We are going on strike!

This is the widespread call to struggle that the trade unions across the country are sounding for 28 February, the day when the private and public sectors will come to a standstill, two years after the crime in Tempe.

On that day, workers in factories, construction sites, shops, restaurants, services, etc. will participate in the strike en masse, together with the self-employed, small craftsmen and tradesmen.